Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Trains, Planes and Automobiles

Last Friday we made our final journey to L & L Travel and Robert and his “babies” helped us with all the final details of the trip. There were train tickets and plane information, itineraries and car vouchers. Now all that stands between us and Italy are a few days, and lots of packing, unpacking, rethinking and repacking. Our cameras are charging, our books are downloaded and all of our toiletries have been shifted into 3oz containers. Let’s grab our Italian-English dictionaries and head to the airport! "Hey! Those aren’t pillows!!"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Countdown...22, 21, 20....

The Joy is in the Journey. It is the motto for this group of veteran travelers.

Our journey started over 300 days ago. Ok that’s a long journey, but there was a lot of packing and planning, emails and Euros, reservations and routes, suitcases and shirts. We took to our treadmills and walked into town to prepare our bodies, read to prepare our minds and dreamed to prepare our hearts. Now our suitcases have been packed and repacked and in 3 short weeks the adventure begins. We will visit Peggy’s, eat gelato, see the Roman ruins, eat gelato, visit old friends, eat gelato, view the Last Supper, eat gelato….